Man, like the rest of living beings, has been in a constant state of transformation.
Look at the images below and read the text closely
Present day man
Present day man
We are a result of million of years of evolution. We appeared 150,000 years ago. Scientifically, we are called “Homo sapiens”
I am a Neanderthal, like you, a Homo Sapien. I disappeared 30,000 years ago. I lived in Europe and some places in the East Asia. I also inhabited la Axarquía (Málaga). We are related. We were short, wide and muscular. We had protruding eyebrow and we didn’t have chins.
Homo de Neanderthal
Homo Antecessor
Homo Antecesor
They lived a little under 1,000,000 years ago. They lived in Atapuerca (Burgos).
Homo Habilis
They could be the last Australopitecus. Their brains and height were larger than them. They made tools.
Homo Habilis
They appeared 4,000,000 years ago in Africa. Their appearance was very similar to that of a chimpanzee, but their hands and feet were the same as ours.
Grasping the ideas. Correctly answer the questions in the following exercise:
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